Recently I have been meditating on the inner workings of the Master of whom I serve and what precisely he is. I read the Book of the Law recently and made an interesting connection with Luciferian Witchcraft of which I have taken an interest in. I have also been looking into the creation of the cosmos and what forces went into this as well and I have come to the conclusion that the Cthonic mother and father created the cosmos and I serve their androgynous child Lumiel-Azazel. Yes, this also has to do with me recently acquired angel fetish that is connected to Nigel Jackson's The Pillars of Tubal-Cain and no this has nothing to do with Judeo-Christian-Islamic angels, though they are connected from the distant past.
Azael-Lumiel was meant to be the Lord of the Earth, as there are seven rulers for each of the celestial bodies. Azael-Lumiel, through the Mystery, is two separate entities, but still One individual. Just as we are all separate but connected by the All. He came unto Eve (which means Life Source, or Women) and gifted to them the power of sexuality and consciousness. Eve showed it to the rest of mankind and behold! man is born into consciousness. The fiery female aspect of Lumiel was Herodias or Lilith who came unto Adam and from Herodias was birthed all the spirits and the Crooked Ones, et cetera. Herodias-Lilith then went below to find a place for her children for the mortal sons of Adam shunned her and she created her kingdom, or the Underworld. Eve birthed Cain, the Avatar of Lumiel (a Nephilim) who slew his brother ignorance (Abel means useless, ignorant) and then Cain went out and created his own race of persons who were the blacksmiths and artificers et cetera and they also came to be known as sorcerers and witches et cetera, et cetera.
This is what I have been pondering. The Witchfather and the Witchmother are separate but one because of the Mystery. The Alchemists were on to something, that is all I have to say. The Cornish witches were also on to something, though I do not think they are Cainites as I am. My practices have really flowed with the Watcher myths and such. These myths are prevalent in almost every culture the world over and I find it completely fascinating. It is said that the Grail (according to the book I am reading) was fashioned from an emerald stone that fell from Heaven. This stone, according to the Christian gnostics, fell from Lucifer's crown during the War in Heaven. I personally believe he brought it here along with his servants, the Hidden Company.
This is just where my mind has been going recently and to me it makes perfect sense. Perhaps it doesn't to you. But if you'd like to discuss it please do so below.
Wassail and Frith,
Have you taken a look at Malik Ta'us? Tawuzi Melek. Demuzi, Goat-Vulture-Peacock Angel, the Lord of This World, the Promethean Light, the Lord of the Broken Mirror, the Divine Androgyn, etc.
ReplyDeleteMight find some interesting stuff there.