As a homosexual I have been discriminated many a time when I was younger. Now it does not happen so much unless you count the Westboro Baptist Church. If you are not already aware there have been a few suicides in the past few weeks because of bullying in schools. A few of these students were homosexuals and much of the LBGT community is stepping up to the plate to say something about it for those lost souls and indeed for future ones and those still living that are going through their confusing sexuality discoveries!
A man named Dan Savage created a project called It Gets Better, a project to reach out to those that feel that they have no hope. I myself have posted a video and you can click on the link to see it (that is the title of this post).
But it is nothing, NOTHING compared to what Joel Burns had to say. Joel Burns is a Fort Worth City council member and on the Twelfth of October he had this to say to all persons of the nation, and indeed of the world on the subject of bullying in schools.
Thank you, Joel Burns. Your words were truly moving and have reached many ears. They shall be a beacon to all those that have no hope! Blessings on you and yours!
This is happening, my friends. A new age is dawning for all persons! Equality will be made in the world a little at a time.
For Life and Love!
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